Induced Thaw Techniques to Improve Frozen Soils in Permafrost Regions - Stevens, C.W. 2021. Induced Thaw Techniques to Improve Frozen Soils in Permafrost Regions. Transport Canada - Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative.
Climate-driven Impacts Present Risks to Infrastructure Constructed on Permafrost -Stevens, C.W. 2021. Climate-driven Impacts Present Risks to Infrastructure Constructed on Permafrost. JV Article for The Northern Miner. April 29, 2021.
Initial Thermal Performance of a Tailings Retaining Frozen Foundation Dam, Nunavut, Canada - Stevens, C.W., Kurylo, J.K., Luedke, P. 2020. Initial Thermal Performance of a Tailings Retaining Frozen Foundation Dam, Nunavut, Canada. Canadian Permafrost Association.
Phase Change Materials – Innovation in Adaptation Technology to Address Permafrost Thaw - Stevens, C.W. 2019. Phase Change Materials – Innovation in Adaptation Technology to Address Permafrost Thaw. Quebec 2019 International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering – Canadian Permafrost Conference.
Thermal Design of the Dry Creek Permafrost Stabilization Project - Stevens, C.W. 2019. Thermal Design of the Dry Creek Permafrost Stabilization Project. Quebec 2019 International Conference on Cold Regions Engineering – Canadian Permafrost Conference.
Seasonal Variations in Bottom Water Temperatures and their Influence on Subaquatic Permafrost Thermal Regimes -Miesner, F., Overduin, P.P., and Stevens, C. 2021. Seasonal Variations in Bottom Water Temperatures and their Influence on Subaquatic Permafrost Thermal Regimes. EGU General Assembly 2021. 19–30 Apr. 2021. EGU21-14883, 2021.
Concept Study of Phase Change Materials to Limit Permafrost Thaw Beneath Highways - Stevens, C.W. 2019. Concept Study of Phase Change Materials to Limit Permafrost Thaw Beneath Highways. Transport Canada Report. Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative.
Frozen Core Tailings Dam: Part 1, Long-Term Thermal Performance - Rykaart, M., Luedke, P., Stevens, C.W. 2018. Frozen Core Tailings Dam: Part 1, Long-Term Thermal Performance. Tailings and Mine Waste 2018.
Thermal Cover Design for Mine Waste Facilities in Cold Regions - Stevens, C.W. Shapka-Fels, T. and Rykaart, M. 2018. Thermal Cover Design for Mine Waste Facilities in Cold Regions. Tailings and Mine Waste 2018.
Mapping Arctic Bottomfast Sea Ice Using SAR Interferometry - Dammann, D.O., Eriksson, L.E.B, Mahoney, A., Stevens, C.W., van der Sanden, J., Eicken, H., Meyer, F., and Tweedie, C. 2018. Mapping Arctic Bottomfast Sea Ice Using SAR Interferometry. Remote Sensing: vol. 10, p. 1-17. doi:10.3390/rs10050720
Second Edition - Predictive surficial geology, Yellowknife and Hearne Lake, Northwest Territories - Stevens, C W; Kerr, D E; Wolfe, S A; Eagles, S. 2017. Second Edition - Predictive surficial geology, Yellowknife and Hearne Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS 85-J and NTS 85-I; Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 200, 1 sheet, doi:10.4095/295700.
The State of Permafrost in Mining - Stevens, C.W. 2015. The State of Permafrost in Mining. The Alaska Miner Journal. Vol. 43. No.8.
Geophysical Imaging of Permafrost Conditions Along the Northern Yukon Alaska Highway - Oldenborger, G.A., Leblanc, A-M., Stevens C.W., and Loranger, B. Geophysical imaging of permafrost conditions along the northern Yukon Alaska Highway. GeoQuebec 2015. 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference.
Evaluation of RADARSAT-2 DInSAR Seasonal Surface Displacement in Discontinuous Permafrost Terrain, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada - Wolfe, S.A., Short, N.H., Morse, P.D., Schwarz, S.H., and Stevens, C.W. 2015. Evaluation of RADARSAT-2 DInSAR seasonal surface displacement in discontinuous permafrost terrain, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing vol. 40, p. 406-422.
Predictive surficial geology, Yellowknife and Hearne Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS 85-J and NTS 85-I - Stevens, C W; Kerr, D E; Wolfe, S A; Eagles, S. 2015. Predictive surficial geology, Yellowknife and Hearne Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS 85-J and NTS 85-I; Geological Survey of Canada, Canadian Geoscience Map 200, 1 sheet, doi:10.4095/295700.
Geophysical Imaging of Permafrost Conditions Along the Northern Yukon Alaska Highway - Oldenborger, G.A., Leblanc, A-M., Stevens, C.W., Chartrand, J., and Loranger, B. 2015. Geophysical imaging of permafrost conditions along the Northern Yukon Alaska Highway. Geological Survey of Canada Open File. 33 p.
Lithalsa distribution, morphology and landscape association in the Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories - Wolfe, S.A., Stevens, C.W., Gaanderse, A.J., and Oldenborger, G.A., 2014. Lithalsa distribution, morphology and landscape association in the Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Geomorphology. vol. 204, 302-313.
Permafrost Geophysics -Oldenborger, G.A., Stevens, C.W., Leblanc, A-M., Loranger, B., Murchison, P. 2013. Permafrost geophysics: application along the Yukon Alaska Highway. Transportation Canada. 29 p.
High-resolution Mapping of Wet Terrain within Discontinuous Permafrost Using LiDAR Intensity - Stevens, C.W., and Wolfe, S.A. 2012. High-resolution mapping of wet terrain within discontinuous permafrost using LiDAR intensity. Journal Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. vol. 23, p. 334-341.
Changes in Nearshore Bottom-fast Ice and Related Permafrost Conditions Derived from Satellite Radar (1992-2009), Mackenzie Delta, Canada - Stevens, C.W. and Moorman, B.J., submitted. Changes in Nearshore Bottom-fast Ice and Related Permafrost Conditions Derived from Satellite Radar (1992-2009), Mackenzie Delta, Canada. Journal Remote Sensing of Environment.
Lithalsa Distribution, Morphology and Landscape Associations in the Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories - Stevens, C.W., Wolfe, S.A., Gaanderse, A.J.R., 2012. Lithalsa distribution, morphology and landscape associations in the Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7255.
Seasonal Surface Displacement and Highway Embankment Grade Derived from InSAR and LiDAR, Highway 3 West of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories - Stevens, C.W., Short, N., Wolfe, S.A., 2012. Seasonal surface displacement and highway embankment grade derived from InSAR and LiDAR, Highway 3 West of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7087, 1 DVD. doi:10.4095/291383
Predictive mapping of surficial material and geology derived from LANDSAT, Yellowknife NTS 85J - Stevens, C.W., Kerr, D.E., Wolfe, S.A., Eagles, S., 2012. Predictive mapping of surficial material and geology derived from LANDSAT, Yellowknife NTS 85J. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7106, 1 CD-ROM.
Lacustrine Sediment Characteristics and Geotechnical Implications in Discontinuous Permafrost, Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories, Canada - Wolfe, S.A., Sladen, W., Hoeve, T.E., Stevens, C.W., Riseborough, D., and Gaanderse, A.J.R., 2012. Lacustrine sediment characteristics and geotechnical implications in discontinuous permafrost, Great Slave Lowlands, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
Open File -Seasonal Surface Displacement Derived from InSAR, Yellowknife and Surrounding Area, Northwest Territories - Short, N., Stevens, C.W., Wolfe, S.A., 2011. Seasonal surface displacement derived from InSAR, Yellowknife and surrounding area, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7030, 1 CD- ROM. doi:10.4095/289578
Permafrost and Environmental Conditions at Stream Crossing Sites in the Northern Mackenzie Corridor, Northwest Territories - Stevens, C.W., Palmer, P., Wolfe, S.A., Kokelj S., Smith, S.L. 2011. Permafrost and environmental conditions at stream crossing sites in the Northern Mackenzie Corridor, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6976, 1 CD-ROM. doi:10.4095/289554
Report on 2010-11 Permafrost Investigations in the Yellowknife Area, Northwest Territories - Wolfe, S.A., Duchesne, C., Gaanderse, A., Houben, A.J., D’Onofrio, R.E., Kokelj, S.V., Stevens, C.W., 2011. Report on 2010-11 Permafrost investigations in the Yellowknife area, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6983, NWT Open Report 2010-010, 1 CD-ROM. doi:10.4095/289596
Analysis of Stream Crossing Data Along the Northern Mackenzie Pipeline Corridor, Northwest Territories - Stevens, C.W., 2011. Analysis of stream crossing data along the northern Mackenzie Pipeline corridor, Northwest Territories. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
Modeling Ground Thermal Conditions and the Limit of Permafrost within the Nearshore Zone of the Mackenzie Delta, Canada - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J., and Solomon, S.M., 2010. Modeling ground thermal conditions and the limit of permafrost within the nearshore zone of the Mackenzie Delta, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research. vol. 115, F04027, doi:10.1029/2010JF001786.
Interannual Changes in Seasonal Ground Freezing and Near-surface Heat Flow Beneath Bottom-fast Ice in the Near-shore Zone, Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J., and Solomon, S.M., 2010. Interannual changes in seasonal ground freezing and near-surface heat flow beneath bottom-fast ice in the near-shore zone, Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. vol. 21, p. 256-270.
Geophysical Surveys along the Proposed Pipeline Corridor in the Mackenzie Delta - Stevens, C.W., 2010, Geophysical surveys along the proposed pipeline corridor in the Mackenzie Delta, March of 2010. Geological Survey of Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
Geotechnical Database and Descriptions of Permafrost Monitoring Sites Established 2006-2010 in the Northern Mackenzie Corridor, Northwest Territories - Wolfe, S.A., Smith, S.L., Chartrand, J., Kokelj, S., Palmer, M., and Stevens, C.W., 2010. Geotechnical database and descriptions of permafrost monitoring sites established 2006-2010 in the northern Mackenzie Corridor, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6677. 1 CD-ROM. doi:10.4095/287167.
Mapping Subsurface Conditions within the Near-shore Zone of an Arctic Delta Using Ground Penetrating Radar - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J., Solomon, S.M., and Hugenholtz, C.H., 2009. Mapping subsurface conditions within the near-shore zone of an arctic delta using ground penetrating radar. Cold Regions Science and Technology. vol. 56, p. 30-38. DOI:10.1016/j.coldregions.2008.09.005.
Detection of Frozen and Unfrozen Interfaces with Ground Penetrating Radar in the Near-shore Zone of the Mackenzie Delta - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J., and Solomon, S.M., 2008. Detection of frozen and unfrozen interfaces with ground penetrating radar in the near-shore zone of the Mackenzie Delta. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, p. 1711-1716.
Investigation of Subsurface Conditions in the Outer Mackenzie Delta - Stevens, C.W., Lapka, S., and Moorman, B.J., 2009. Investigation of subsurface conditions in the outer Mackenzie Delta, March and April of 2009. Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division, NS, Canada.
Bathymetric Surveys Undertaken in Shallow Bay - Stevens, C.W., Solomon, S.M., and Moorman, B.J., 2009. Bathymetric surveys undertaken in Shallow Bay, April 2009. Shell Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Quantification of excess ice in the Big Lake area, Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada - Bode, J.A., Moorman, B.J., Stevens, C.W., and Solomon, S.M., 2008. Quantification of excess ice in the Big Lake area, Mackenzie Delta, NWT, Canada. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, Alaska, p. 131-136.
Nearshore Geohazards in the Southern Beaufort Sea, Canada - Solomon, S.M., Forbes, D.L., Fraser, P., Moorman, B.J., Stevens, C.W., and Whalen, D., 2008. Nearshore geohazards in the southern Beaufort Sea, Canada. Seventh International Pipeline Conference Proceedings (IPC2008), Calgary, Alberta.
Integrating GPR and CCRI Techniques: Implications for the Identification and Mapping of Ground Ice on Mars - Wainstein, P.A., Wan Bun Tseung, J.M., Moorman, B.J., Stevens, C.W., 2008. Integrating GPR and CCRI techniques: Implications for the identification and mapping of ground ice on Mars. The International Journal of Mars Science and Exploration, p. 1-13.
Investigation of the Thermophysical Conditions Beneath Seasonal Landfast Ice in the Outer Mackenzie Delta - Stevens, C.W., and Moorman, B.J., 2008. Investigation of the thermophysical conditions beneath seasonal landfast ice in the outer Mackenzie Delta, March 2008. Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division, NS, Canada.
Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of a Recent Distributary Bar in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada - Stevens, C.W., and Moorman, B.J., 2008. Ground penetrating radar investigation of a recent distributary bar in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada. Report submitted to the Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division, NS, Canada.
The Internal Structure of Relict Lacustrine Deltas, Northern New York - Stevens, C.W., and Robinson, S.D., 2007. The internal structure of relict lacustrine deltas, northern New York, in Baker, G.S., and Jol, H.M., eds., Stratigraphic Analyses Using GPR: Geological Society of America Special Paper 432, p. 93–102.
Geophysical Study within the Near-shore Zone of the Mackenzie Delta: March of 2007 - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J. and Bode, J., 2007. Geophysical study within the near-shore zone of the Mackenzie Delta: March of 2007. Report submitted to the Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division, NS, Canada.
Assessing the Feasibility of Water Bathymetry Mapping Over Near-shore Ice Using Ground Penetrating Radar - Stevens, C.W., Moorman, B.J., and Solomon, S.M., 2006. Assessing the Feasibility of Water Bathymetry Mapping Over Near-shore Ice Using Ground Penetrating Radar. Report submitted to Shell Canada, Northern Development Division, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Subsurface Investigation of Near-shore Conditions Using Ground Penetrating Radar - Stevens, C.W., and Moorman, B.J., 2005. Subsurface Investigation of Near-shore Conditions Using Ground Penetrating Radar. Report submitted to the Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division, NS, Canada.